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Interleaved LDPC codes, reduced-complexity inner decoder and an iterative decoder for the Davey-MacKay construction., und . ISIT, Seite 742-746. IEEE, (2011)$l_2$-Box ADMM Decoding for LDPC Codes Over ISI Channels., , , und . IEEE Trans. Veh. Technol., 70 (4): 3966-3971 (2021)Improved Check Node Decomposition for Linear Programming Decoding., und . IEEE Communications Letters, 17 (2): 377-380 (2013)Nonbinary LDPC Codes on Cages: Structural Property and Code Optimization., , , , und . IEEE Trans. Commun., 63 (2): 364-375 (2015)Soft-Input Inner Decoder for the Davey-MacKay Construction., und . IEEE Communications Letters, 16 (5): 722-725 (2012)An Investigation on LP Decoding of Short Binary Linear Codes With the Subgradient Method., , und . IEICE Trans. Fundam. Electron. Commun. Comput. Sci., 107 (8): 1395-1399 (2024)Rate-Improved Permutation Codes for Correcting a Single Burst of Deletions., , , , und . IEEE Commun. Lett., 25 (1): 49-53 (2021)Eliminating small stopping sets in irregular low-density parity-check codes., , , und . IEEE Communications Letters, 13 (6): 435-437 (2009)Reduced-Complexity Linear Programming Decoding Based on ADMM for LDPC Codes., , und . IEEE Communications Letters, 19 (6): 909-912 (2015)Lowering Error Floors of Irregular LDPC Codes by Combining Construction and Decoding., , , und . IEICE Trans. Commun., 95-B (1): 271-274 (2012)