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Computational reproducibility: state-of-the-art, challenges, and database research opportunities., , и . SIGMOD Conference, стр. 593-596. ACM, (2012)Making CSB+-Tree Processor Conscious., , и . DaMoN, (2005)In memoriam Henry Rouanet (1931-2008)., , и . Monde des Util. Anal. Données, (2010)LightNVM: The Linux Open-Channel SSD Subsystem., , и . FAST, стр. 359-374. USENIX Association, (2017)Database Kernels: Seamless Integration of Database Systems and Fast Storage via CXL., , , и . CIDR,, (2024)Going public: open-source databases and database research.. SIGMOD Conference, стр. 633. ACM, (2002)Design of A Development Platform for HW/SW Codesign ofWireless Integrated Sensor Nodes., , , , и . DSD, стр. 254-260. IEEE Computer Society, (2005)Partial Answers for Unavailable Data Sources., и . FQAS, том 1495 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 43-54. Springer, (1998)Leveraging Physical Locality to Integrate Smart Appliances in Non-Residential Buildings with Ultrasound and Bluetooth Low Energy., , , и . IoTDI, стр. 199-210. IEEE Computer Society, (2016)VLDB 2021: Designing a Hybrid Conference., , , и . SIGMOD Rec., 50 (4): 50-53 (2021)