Author of the publication

Exact Sampling for Regular and Markov Constraints with Belief Propagation.

, , , and . CP, volume 9255 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 341-350. Springer, (2015)

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Automatic Classification of Guitar Playing Modes., , and . CMMR, volume 8905 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 58-71. Springer, (2013)Improving Multilabel Analysis of Music Titles: A Large-Scale Validation of the Correction Approach., and . IEEE Trans. Speech Audio Process., 17 (2): 335-343 (2009)Classification of dog barks: a machine learning approach, , , , , , and . Animal Cognition, (2008)Automatic Generation of Music Programs., and . CP, volume 1713 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 331-345. Springer, (1999)Assisted Lead Sheet Composition Using FlowComposer., , and . CP, volume 9892 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 769-785. Springer, (2016)Exact Sampling for Regular and Markov Constraints with Belief Propagation., , , and . CP, volume 9255 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 341-350. Springer, (2015)Sampling Variations of Sequences for Structured Music Generation., , and . ISMIR, page 167-173. (2017)Hit Song Science Is Not Yet a Science., and . ISMIR, page 355-360. (2008)Improving the Classification of Percussive Sounds with Analytical Features: A Case Study., , and . ISMIR, page 229-232. Austrian Computer Society, (2007)Virtualband: Interacting with Stylistically Consistent Agents., , and . ISMIR, page 341-346. (2013)