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Weitere Publikationen von Autoren mit dem selben Namen

Identification of Gaussian mixture model using Mean Variance Mapping Optimization: Venezuelan case., , , , und . ISGT Europe, Seite 1-6. IEEE, (2012)Probabilistic assessment of operational risk considering different wind turbine technologies., , und . ISGT Europe, Seite 1-6. IEEE, (2012)Analysis of the Gradual Synthetic Inertia Control on Low-Inertia Power Systems., , , , , , , und . ISIE, Seite 816-820. IEEE, (2020)Online Dynamic Assessment of System Stability using Unscented Kalman Filter., , , , , , und . ISIE, Seite 923-928. IEEE, (2020)Reliability Assessment in Transmission Considering Intermittent Energy Resources., , , und . LASCAS, Seite 193-196. IEEE, (2019)Real-Time Cyber-Physical Power System Testbed for Optimal Power Flow Study Using Co-Simulation Framework., , , , , , und . IEEE Access, (2024)Impact of Electric Vehicle Charging Control on the Frequency Response: Study of the GB System., , , und . ISGT Europe, Seite 1-6. IEEE, (2018)Procedure for estimation of equivalent model parameters for a wind farm using post-disturbance on-line measurement data., , , und . ISGT Europe, Seite 1-7. IEEE, (2011)Estimation of load model parameters from instantaneous voltage and current., , und . FUZZ-IEEE, Seite 164-169. IEEE, (2011)Future Dutch Electricity Grid: Assessing the Potential of Overplanting in Photovoltaic Systems., , , und . IECON, Seite 1-7. IEEE, (2023)