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Simulation-based Bayesian inferences for two-variance components linear models, и . Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference, 59 (1): 139--161 (30.03.1997)Unsupervised learning for signal versus noise., и . IEEE Trans. Inf. Theory, 27 (4): 498-500 (1981)A quasi-Bayes unsupervised learning procedure for priors (Corresp.)., и . IEEE Trans. Inf. Theory, 23 (6): 761-764 (1977)Aspects of smoothing and model inadequacy in generalized regression, и . Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference, 67 (2): 273--286 (01.04.1998)A Bayesian approach to retrospective identification of change-points, и . Journal of Econometrics, 19 (1): 7--22 (мая 1982)Biased coin designs with a Bayesian bias, , и . Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference, 34 (3): 403--421 (марта 1993)Bayesian Statistics without Tears: A Sampling-Resampling Perspective, и . The American Statistician, 46 (2): 84--88 (мая 1992)Econometric illustrations of novel numerical integration strategies for Bayesian inference, и . Journal of Econometrics, 38 (1-2): 103--125 (00 1988)A bayesian analysis of some threshold switching models, и . Journal of Econometrics, 29 (1-2): 97--119 (00 1985)Simple conditions for the convergence of the Gibbs sampler and Metropolis-Hastings algorithms, и . Stochastic Processes and their Applications, 49 (2): 207--216 (февраля 1994)