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Exploring the decision and objective space of SAT constrained multi-objective problems.

, , , and . GECCO Companion, page 332-335. ACM, (2022)

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Theoretical foundations of evolutionary computation for beginners and veterans.. GECCO Companion, page 588-635. ACM, (2021)Exploring the decision and objective space of SAT constrained multi-objective problems., , , and . GECCO Companion, page 332-335. ACM, (2022)On the Design of a Partition Crossover for the Quadratic Assignment Problem., , , and . PPSN (1), volume 12269 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 303-316. Springer, (2020)Cellular Encoding Applied to Neurocontrol, , and . Genetic Algorithms: Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference (ICGA95), page 460--467. Pittsburgh, PA, USA, Morgan Kaufmann, (15-19 July 1995)Evolving cooperative strategies for UAV teams, , , , , and . GECCO 2005: Proceedings of the 2005 conference on Genetic and evolutionary computation, 2, page 1721--1728. Washington DC, USA, ACM Press, (25-29 June 2005)Scheduling Multi-Resource Satellites using Genetic Algorithms and Permutation Based Representations., , , , and . GECCO, page 1473-1481. ACM, (2023)Genetic Reinforcement Learning for Neurocontrol Problems, , , and . Machine Learning, (1993)A genetic algorithm tutorial. Statistics and Computing, 4 (2): 65--85 (Jun 1, 1994)Synaptic Stripping: How Pruning Can Bring Dead Neurons Back to Life., and . IJCNN, page 1-8. IEEE, (2023)Optimal Neuron Selection and Generalization: NK Ensemble Neural Networks, , and . International Conference on Parallel Problem Solving from Nature, page 449--460. Springer, (2018)