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An Accurate Viewport Estimation Method for 360 Video Streaming using Deep Learning., , , , , и . EAI Endorsed Trans. Ind. Networks Intell. Syst., 9 (4): e2 (2022)Outage Performance Of Hybrid Satellite-Terrestrial Relaying Networks With Rateless Codes In Co-Channel Interference Environment., , , , , и . ICSSE, стр. 468-473. IEEE, (2023)Dual-hop relaying networks for short-packet URLLCs: Performance analysis and optimization., , , и . J. Commun. Networks, 24 (4): 408-418 (августа 2022)Exact Outage Probability of Two-Way Decode-and-Forward Scheme with Energy Harvesting from Intermediate Relaying Station., , и . INISCOM, том 221 из Lecture Notes of the Institute for Computer Sciences, Social Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering, стр. 155-166. Springer, (2017)Digital Competence of Secondary School Teachers in Hanoi, Vietnam: A Study Based on the DigCompEdu Model., , и . Int. J. Emerg. Technol. Learn., 19 (5): 20-34 (2024)Reduction of task migrations and preemptions in optimal real-time scheduling for multiprocessors by using dynamic T-L plane., , , и . J. Syst. Archit., (2017)Performance Evaluation of Simultaneously Transmitting and Reflecting Intelligent Reflecting Surface - Assisted NOMA Networks for Short-Packet Communications., , и . RIVF, стр. 194-199. IEEE, (2023)Neutron Capture Cross Section Measurements of 109Ag, 186W and 158Gd on Filtered Neutron Beams of 55 and 144 keV, , , и . Report, INDC(VN)-11. International Atomic Energy Agency, Vienna, Austria, (декабря 2004)Performance analysis of a decode-and-forward scheme under physical layer security over Rician fading channel., и . ICTC, стр. 348-352. IEEE, (2013)Cooperative communication with energy-harvesting relays under physical layer security., и . IET Commun., 9 (17): 2131-2139 (2015)