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Weitere Publikationen von Autoren mit dem selben Namen

Joint Downlink User Association and Interference Management in Two-Tier HetNets With Dynamic Resource Partitioning., , , und . IEEE Trans. Vehicular Technology, 66 (2): 1365-1378 (2017)The Study on Scale and Rotation Invariant Features of the lacunarity of Images., , und . CCTA (2), Volume 294 von IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology, Seite 1171-1174. Springer, (2008)Reversible logic synthesis through ant colony optimization., , , und . DATE, Seite 307-310. IEEE Computer Society, (2010)Finger-vein image segmentation based on KFCM and active contour model., , und . I2MTC, Seite 1-6. IEEE, (2019)Detecting Anomalous Trajectories via Recurrent Neural Networks., , , , und . ACCV (4), Volume 11364 von Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Seite 370-382. Springer, (2018)Collision recovery receiver for EPC Gen2 RFID systems., , , und . IOT, Seite 114-118. IEEE, (2012)Fast Mode Decision Algorithm in H.263+/H.264 Intra Transcoder., und . PCM, Volume 4261 von Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Seite 41-47. Springer, (2006)Sleep stage assessment based on autocorrelation and spectral analysis of heart rate variability., , , , und . RCAR, Seite 448-453. IEEE, (2017)Underwater object detection and localization based on multi-beam sonar image processing., , , und . ROBIO, Seite 514-519. IEEE, (2012)Multicell coordinated scheduling with multiuser ZF beamforming., , , und . ICC, Seite 5006-5011. IEEE, (2014)