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Feature Location Using Probabilistic Ranking of Methods Based on Execution Scenarios and Information Retrieval., , , , and . IEEE Trans. Software Eng., 33 (6): 420-432 (2007)GASSER: A Multi-Objective Evolutionary Approach for Test Suite Reduction., , , and . Int. J. Softw. Eng. Knowl. Eng., 32 (2): 193-225 (2022)Techniques for robust recognition in restricted domains., , and . EUROSPEECH, page 2219-2221. ISCA, (1993)AmbieGen tool at the SBST 2022 Tool Competition., , and . SBST@ICSE, page 43-46. IEEE, (2022)Mining the Lexicon Used by Programmers during Sofware Evolution., , , and . ICSM, page 14-23. IEEE Computer Society, (2007)MC/DC automatic test input data generation., , and . GECCO, page 1657-1664. ACM, (2009)A static measure of a subset of intra-procedural data flow testing coverage based on node coverage., and . CASCON, page 7. IBM, (1999)3rd international workshop on traceability in emerging forms of software engineering (TEFSE 2005)., , , and . ASE, page 462. ACM, (2005)Support vector machines for anti-pattern detection., , , , , , and . ASE, page 278-281. ACM, (2012)A Deformable Grid-Matching Approach for Microarray Images., and . IEEE Trans. Image Processing, 15 (10): 3178-3188 (2006)