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On lifetime-based node failure and stochastic resilience of decentralized peer-to-peer networks., , , и . IEEE/ACM Trans. Netw., 15 (3): 644-656 (2007)JetMax: Scalable Max-Min Congestion Control for High-Speed Heterogeneous Networks., , и . INFOCOM, IEEE, (2006)Turbo King: Framework for Large-Scale Internet Delay Measurements., и . INFOCOM, стр. 31-35. IEEE, (2008)Hershel: single-packet os fingerprinting., , , и . SIGMETRICS, стр. 195-206. ACM, (2014)IRLbot: : Scaling to 6 billion pages and beyond, , , и . Transactions on the Web, 3 (3): 1--34 (июня 2009)On Static and Dynamic Partitioning Behavior of Large-Scale Networks., , , и . ICNP, стр. 345-357. IEEE Computer Society, (2005)Optimizing Capacity-Heterogeneous Unstructured P2P Networks for Random-Walk Traffic., , и . Peer-to-Peer Computing, стр. 41-50. IEEE, (2009)Demystifying service discovery: implementing an internet-wide scanner., и . Internet Measurement Conference, стр. 109-122. ACM, (2010)On lifetime-based node failure and stochastic resilience of decentralized peer-to-peer networks., , и . SIGMETRICS, стр. 26-37. ACM, (2005)Modeling Heterogeneous User Churn and Local Resilience of Unstructured P2P Networks., , , и . ICNP, стр. 32-41. IEEE Computer Society, (2006)