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ambientROOM: Integrating Ambient Media with Architectural Space. (1998)Radical atoms: beyond tangible bits, toward transformable materials., , , и . Interactions, 19 (1): 38-51 (2012)Location-aided route discovery mechanism based on two-hop neighbor information for ad hoc network., , , и . J. Supercomput., 72 (3): 1201-1214 (2016)Bosu: a physical programmable design tool for transformability with soft mechanics., и . Conference on Designing Interactive Systems, стр. 189-198. ACM, (2010)TeamWorkStation: Towards a Seamless Shared Workspace.. CSCW, стр. 13-26. ACM, (1990)HandSCAPE., , , , , и . SIGGRAPH Abstracts and Applications, стр. 168. ACM, (1999)mediaBlocks: Physical Containers, Transports, and Controls for Online Media., , и . SIGGRAPH, стр. 379-386. ACM, (1998)ComTouch: design of a vibrotactile communication device., , , , и . Symposium on Designing Interactive Systems, стр. 312-320. ACM, (2002)THAW: tangible interaction with see-through augmentation for smartphones on computer screens., , , , и . UIST (Adjunct Volume), стр. 55-56. ACM, (2014)Integrating optical waveguides for display and sensing on pneumatic soft shape changing interfaces., , , и . UIST (Adjunct Volume), стр. 117-118. ACM, (2014)