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Weitere Publikationen von Autoren mit dem selben Namen

Programming Language Concepts, und . John Wiley & Sons, Chichester, England, 3rd Edition, (Juni 1997)The Method of Attributes for Data Flow Analysis, und . Acta Informatica, 10 (3): 245--272 (Oktober 1978)part 1: Exhaustive Analysis, part 2: Demand Analysis.Efficient Evaluation of Multi-pass Attribute Grammars without a Parse Tree, und . 1977 Conf. on Information Sciences and Systems, John Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD, Extended version: report TR 77-001, Department of Comp. Sc., University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, NC (February 1977, revised May 1979)..(April 1977)Software evolution observations based on product release history, , , und . Proceedings of the International Conference on Software Maintenance, Seite 160--166. IEEE Press, (September 1997)Semantic Document Architecture for Desktop Data Integration and Management., , und . SEKE, Seite 73-78. Knowledge Systems Institute Graduate School, (2010)Composing Specifications of Event Based Applications., , und . FASE, Volume 2621 von Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Seite 67-86. Springer, (2003)Introduction to education and training track., und . ICSE, Seite 606. ACM, (2005)The Vienna Component Framework Enabling Composition Across Component Models., , und . ICSE, Seite 25-37. IEEE Computer Society, (2003)FLAME: A Language for Distributed Programming., und . ICCL, Seite 69-78. IEEE Computer Society, (1990)VIZIR: An Integrated Environment for Distributed Program Visualization., , , und . MASCOTS, Seite 288-292. IEEE Computer Society, (1995)