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Learning a Subword Inventory Jointly with End-to-End Automatic Speech Recognition., и . ICASSP, стр. 6439-6443. IEEE, (2020)Frame-Level Speaker Embeddings for Text-Independent Speaker Recognition and Analysis of End-to-End Model., , и . SLT, стр. 1007-1013. IEEE, (2018)A Systematic Characterization of Sampling Algorithms for Open-ended Language Generation., , , и . AACL/IJCNLP, стр. 334-346. Association for Computational Linguistics, (2020)VectorSLU: A Continuous Word Vector Approach to Answer Selection in Community Question Answering Systems., , , и . SemEval@NAACL-HLT, стр. 282-287. The Association for Computer Linguistics, (2015)Confidence scoring for speech understanding systems., , и . ICSLP, ISCA, (1998)A probabilistic framework for feature-based speech recognition., , и . ICSLP, стр. 2277-2280. ISCA, (1996)Information-theoretic criteria for unit selection synthesis., и . INTERSPEECH, стр. 2617-2620. ISCA, (2002)MUSE: a scripting language for the development of interactive speech analysis and recognition tools., и . EUROSPEECH, стр. 629-632. ISCA, (1997)Segmentation and modeling in segment-based recognition., и . EUROSPEECH, стр. 1199-1202. ISCA, (1997)Heterogeneous acoustic measurements for phonetic classification 1., и . EUROSPEECH, стр. 401-404. ISCA, (1997)