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Sharing and Combining listening Experience: a Social Approach to Web Radio., и . ICMC, Michigan Publishing, (2007)Workshop report: WOMRAD 2010., , , , и . RecSys, стр. 381-382. ACM, (2010)Case-Based Sequential Ordering of Songs for Playlist Recommendation., и . ECCBR, том 4106 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 286-300. Springer, (2006)Uncovering Affinity of Artists to Multiple Genres from Social Behaviour Data., , и . ISMIR, стр. 275-280. (2008)A Case-Based Song Scheduler for Group Customised Radio., и . ICCBR, том 4626 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 433-448. Springer, (2007)