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Using LEGO to model 3D tactile picture books by sighted children for blind children.

, , and . SUI, page 146. ACM, (2014)

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Abstracting perception and manipulation in end-user robot programming using Sikuli., , and . TePRA, page 1-6. IEEE, (2014)Sikuli: using GUI screenshots for search and automation., , and . UIST, page 183-192. ACM, (2009)Facade: Auto-generating Tactile Interfaces to Appliances., , , , , , and . CHI, page 5826-5838. ACM, (2017)Multimodal question answering for mobile devices., and . IUI, page 405-408. ACM, (2008)Enticing Casual Nature Preserve Visitors into Citizen Science via Photos., , , , , and . CSCW Companion, page 373-376. ACM, (2016)Co-designing an e-health tutorial for older adults., , , , and . iConference, page 240-247. ACM, (2012)Leveraging user comments for aesthetic aware image search reranking., , and . WWW, page 439-448. ACM, (2012)Transcribing Across the Senses: Community Efforts to Create 3D Printable Accessible Tactile Pictures for Young Children with Visual Impairments., , and . ASSETS, page 127-137. ACM, (2015)Low-Cost Tactile Coloring Page Fabrication on a Cutting Machine: Assembly and user experiences of cardstock-layered tangible pictures., , and . ASSETS, page 31:1-31:5. ACM, (2022)Seen music: ambient music data visualization for children with hearing impairments., , and . IDC, page 426-429. ACM, (2015)