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Automated DDI Metadata Harvesting and Replication for Preservation Purposes within iRODS., , and . IASSIST, (2010)HMPDACC: a Human Microbiome Project Multi-omic data resource., , , , , , , , , and 3 other author(s). Nucleic Acids Res., 49 (Database-Issue): D734-D742 (2021)Production and playback of human figure motion for 3D virtual environments., , and . VRAIS, page 127-135. IEEE Computer Society, (1995)Extracting and Ingesting DDI Metadata and Digital Objects from a Data Archive into the iRODS Extension of the NARA TPAP Using the OAI-PMH., , , and . eScience, page 185-192. IEEE Computer Society, (2009)An Operational Semantics for TOOPLE: A Statically-Typed Object-Oriented Programming Language., , and . MFPS, volume 802 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 603-626. Springer, (1993)Expansion of the Odum Institute Dataverse Network: Forming Partnerships, Harnessing Infrastructures, and increasing Preservation of Research Data., and . IASSIST Conference, IASSIST, (2013)DataBridge: Building an E-science Collaboration Environment Tool for Linking Diverse Datasets into a Socio-metric Network.. IASSIST Conference, IASSIST, (2013)The TRUST Principles for digital repositories, , , , , , , , , and 9 other author(s). Scientific Data, 7 (1): 144-- (2020)Safe and Decidable Type Checking in an Object-Oriented Language., , , , , and . OOPSLA, page 29-46. ACM, (1993)SIGPLAN Notices 28(10) / OOPSLA'93, Addendum to the Proceedings: OOPS Messenger 5(2) April 1994.Integrating ddi metadata into the nara transcontinental persistent archive prototype via the oai-pmh., and . JCDL, page 473. ACM, (2008)