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Fixed effects, random effects or Hausman-Taylor?: A pretest estimator, , и . Economics Letters, 79 (3): 361--369 (июня 2003)Testing for serial correlation, spatial autocorrelation and random effects using panel data, , , и . Journal of Econometrics, 140 (1): 5--51 (сентября 2007)ESTIMATION OF ECONOMETRIC MODELS WITH NONPARAMETRICALLY SPECIFIED RISK TERMS, и . Econometric Reviews, 20 (4): 445--460 (2001)Testing for random individual effects using recursive residuals, и . Econometric Reviews, 15 (3): 331--338 (1996)Alternative ways of obtaining Hausman's test using artificial regressions, и . Statistics & Probability Letters, 77 (13): 1413--1417 (15.07.2007)The Measurement of Firm-Specific Indexes of Technical Change, , и . The Review of Economics and Statistics, 77 (4): 654--663 (ноября 1995)A General Index of Technical Change, и . The Journal of Political Economy, 96 (1): 20--41 (февраля 1988)Econometrics. Springer, Berlin u.a., 2nd, rev. ed издание, (1999)Estimating models of complex FDI: Are there third-country effects?, , и . Journal of Econometrics, 140 (1): 260--281 (сентября 2007)Analysis of spatially dependent data, , и . Journal of Econometrics, 140 (1): 1--4 (сентября 2007)