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Accurate Fault Modeling and Efficient Simulation of Differential CVS Circuits., , , and . ITC, page 722-731. IEEE Computer Society, (1985)Transition Fault Simulation by Parallel Pattern Single Fault Propagation., , , and . ITC, page 542-551. IEEE Computer Society, (1986)Efficiently Computing Static Single Assignment Form and the Control Dependence Graph., , , , and . ACM Trans. Program. Lang. Syst., 13 (4): 451-490 (1991)preliminary version: POPL 1989: 25-35.Tree-Manipulating Systems and Church-Rosser Theorems. STOC, page 117-127. ACM, (1970)Applications of High-Level Control Flow.. POPL, page 38-47. ACM, (1977)Linear Cost is Sometimes Quadratic.. POPL, page 117-124. ACM Press, (1981)Syntactic Complexity. Inf. Control., 24 (4): 305-335 (April 1974)Stickiness and liveness.. ACM SIGPLAN Notices, 14 (2): 44-45 (1979)Monoids for Rapid Data Flow Analysis.. SIAM J. Comput., 9 (1): 159-196 (1980)Decomposition of Heterogeneous Classification Problems., , , , , and . IDA, volume 1280 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 17-28. Springer, (1997)