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Time-Lapse Detection for Evolution of Trustworthy Network User Operation Behavior Using Bayesian Network., , , , и . HCI (30), том 12210 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 671-682. Springer, (2020)From Writing to Painting: A Kinect-Based Cross-Modal Chinese Painting Generation System., , , , , и . ACM Multimedia, стр. 57-66. ACM, (2014)An interoperable pillbox system for smart medication adherence., , , и . EMBC, стр. 1386-1389. IEEE, (2014)Reliability-constrained die stacking order in 3DICs under manufacturing variability., , и . ISQED, стр. 16-23. IEEE, (2013)Evaluating Modern GPU Interconnect: PCIe, NVLink, NV-SLI, NVSwitch and GPUDirect., , , , , , и . CoRR, (2019)FaceMe: An agent-based social game using augmented reality for the emotional development of children with autism spectrum disorder., , , , и . Int. J. Hum. Comput. Stud., (июля 2023)Feature Back-Tracking with Sparse Deep Belief Networks., , , , , и . FSDM, том 340 из Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications, стр. 386-396. IOS Press, (2021)Optimizing Stochastic Circuits for Accuracy-Energy Tradeoffs., , , , и . ICCAD, стр. 178-185. IEEE, (2015)Improved flop tray-based design implementation for power reduction., , и . ICCAD, стр. 20. ACM, (2016)GPU accelerate parallel Odd-Even merge sort: An OpenCL method., , , и . CSCWD, стр. 76-83. IEEE, (2011)