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Weitere Publikationen von Autoren mit dem selben Namen

Performance Analysis of Dataflow Signal Processing Algorithms., und . ICPP, Seite 608-610. IEEE Computer Society Press, (1986)Experimental Verification of the Critical Path Simulation of an SIMD/MIMD Parallel Processing System., und . ICPP (2), Seite 113-116. CRC Press, (1991)MIMD Algorithm Analysis: Low Level Algorithm Descriptions., und . ICDCS, Seite 150-157. IEEE Computer Society, (1985)Robust recognition of loud and Lombard speech in the fighter cockpit environment., , und . ICASSP, Seite 675-678. IEEE, (1989)Experimental analysis of multi-mode fast Fourier transforms on the PASM parallel processing system., , und . ICASSP, Seite 2540-2543. IEEE, (1989)Experimental Application-Driven Architecture Analysis of an SIMD/MIMD Parallel Processing System., , und . IEEE Trans. Parallel Distributed Syst., 1 (2): 195-205 (1990)Integrating engineering design, signal processing, and community service in the EPICS program., , , , und . ICASSP, Seite 1897-1900. IEEE, (1998)Modeling duration in a hidden Markov model with the exponential family., und . ICASSP (2), Seite 331-334. IEEE Computer Society, (1993)Coarse-grained algorithms and implementations of structural indexing-based object recognition on Intel Touchstone Delta., , , und . ICPR (3), Seite 279-283. IEEE, (1994)An Analysis of Fixed-Assignment Hypercube Partitioning., , und . ICPP (1), Seite 222-225. Pennsylvania State University Press, (1990)