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Weitere Publikationen von Autoren mit dem selben Namen

Interpretation of the core matrix in three-mode factor analysis., und . (Month unknown 1970)Experiments in multimode factor analysis. Testing problems in perspective., American Council on Education, Washington DC, (1966a)Remarks on the study of the variety of individuals.. (Date unknown 1991)Relations between multidimensional scaling and three-mode factor analysis. Psychometrika, (1972a)Three-mode factor analysis of the behavioral component of interpersonal attitudes., , , und . Technical report, 50. Department of Psychology, University of Illinois, Urbana IL, (1967)Implications of factor analysis of three-way matrices for measurement of change. Problems in measuring change., University of Wisconsin Press, Madison WI, (1963)Three-way factor analysis of a multitrait-multimethod matrix., und . Technical Report, Office of Naval Research and Department of Psychology, University of Illinois, Urbana, IL, (1964)A three-mode factor analysis of serial learning., und . Report, Office Naval Research, Place unknown, (1970)Remarks on the study of the variety of individuals. Multivariate Behavioral Research, (1992)Use of three-mode factor analysis in MDS.. (Date unknown 1972b)