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Other publications of authors with the same name

Mining Objective Process Metrics from Repository Data., and . SEKE, page 514-519. Knowledge Systems Institute Graduate School, (2009)Goal-Directed Design for Proactive and Intelligent Device Collaboration., and . KES, volume 2774 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 841-848. Springer, (2003)A Multi-Dimensional Classification for Users of Security Patterns., , and . WOSIS, page 89-98. INSTICC Press, (2008)Role oriented programming for software evolution.. University of Washington, USA, (1997)A pattern for a sensor node., , , and . PLoP, page 7:1-7:7. ACM, (2010)Patterns for WiMax security., and . EuroPLoP, page 707-720. UVK - Universitaetsverlag Konstanz, (2007)Repository mining and Six Sigma for process improvement., , and . MSR, page 1-4. ACM, (2005)Eliciting Security Requirements through Misuse Activities., , and . DEXA Workshops, page 328-333. IEEE Computer Society, (2008)Using Role Components to Implement Collaboration-Based Designs., and . OOPSLA, page 359-369. ACM, (1996)SIGPLAN Notices 31(10).Decoupling Change from Design., and . SIGSOFT FSE, page 58-69. ACM, (1996)