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Leakage Based Users Selection for Hybrid Beamforming in MillimeterWave MIMO.

, , , and . PIMRC, page 1144-1150. IEEE, (2018)

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Leakage Based Users Selection for Hybrid Beamforming in MillimeterWave MIMO., , , and . PIMRC, page 1144-1150. IEEE, (2018)Experimental Analysis of the Ultra Wideband Propagation Channel Over the 3.1 GHz - 10.6 GHz Frequency Band., and . PIMRC, page 1-5. IEEE, (2006)A Scattering Model to Improve the Accuracy of 3D Ray Tracing for UWB Indoor Channel., , , and . VTC Spring, page 1-5. IEEE, (2011)On the human exposure to radio frequency radiations expected from future small connected objects., , , , , , , and . GLOBECOM Workshops, page 1186-1191. IEEE, (2014)Experimental assessment of the UWB channel variability in a dynamic indoor environment., and . PIMRC, page 2973-2977. IEEE, (2004)On The Equivalence between Hybrid and Full Digital Beamforming in mmWave communications., , , , and . ICT, page 391-395. IEEE, (2019)Hybrid Beamforming for Multi-User MISO Channels with Equal Gain Transmission: A Robust and Spectral Efficient Approach., , , and . ICT, page 57-62. IEEE, (2018)Comparison of Two Time Reversal Schemes using Circular UWB Measurements., and . PIMRC, page 1-5. IEEE, (2007)Multibeam Antenna Modelling and Blockage Impact Mitigation in 5G Millimeter-Wave Bands., , , and . ISWCS, page 1-6. IEEE, (2021)Relationship between physical and subspace propagation channels., and . PIMRC, page 75-80. IEEE, (2010)