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3D Network Traffic Monitoring Based on an Automatic Attack Classifier., , , , , и . ICCSA (2), том 8580 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 342-351. Springer, (2014)Implementation of eXplainable Artificial Intelligence - Case Study on the Assessment of Movements to Support Neuromotor Rehabilitation., , и . ICCSA (1), том 13956 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 564-580. Springer, (2023)Virtual reality for medical training: a prototype to simulate breast aspiration exam., , , , , и . VRCAI, стр. 328-331. ACM, (2004)JVRMol: a low cost java-based distributed virtual environment for protein molecule analysis and visualization., , , и . VRCAI, стр. 72-74. ACM, (2004)A motion capture system using passive markers., , , и . VRCAI, стр. 440-447. ACM, (2004)Design and evaluation of an advanced virtual reality system for visualization of dentistry structures., , , , , и . VSMM, стр. 429-435. IEEE, (2012)eXplainable Artificial Intelligence - A Study of Sentiments About Vaccination in Brazil., , , , и . ICCSA (1), том 13956 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 617-634. Springer, (2023)Motion and Interaction Tracking Tool for Virtual Reality Environments., , , , , и . ICCSA (10), том 12958 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 621-630. Springer, (2021)A Survey of Solutions for Game Engines in the Development of Immersive Applications for Multi-projection Systems as Base for a Generic Solution Design., и . SVR, стр. 61-70. IEEE Computer Society, (2015)Image Segmentation Applied to Multi-species Phenotyping in Fish Farming., и . ICCSA (1), том 14813 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 96-111. Springer, (2024)