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Skeleton-based cerebrovascular quantitative analysis., , , , , , and . BMC Medical Imaging, (2016)EPCS: Endpoint-based part-aware curve skeleton extraction for low-quality point clouds., , , , , and . Comput. Graph., (December 2023)Active contour model combining region and edge information., , , and . Mach. Vis. Appl., 24 (1): 47-61 (2013)Populating virtual environments with crowd patches and rule-based method., , and . VRCAI, page 239-246. ACM, (2012)Guidance rays: 3D object selection based on multi-ray in dense scenario., , , , and . VRCAI, page 91-100. ACM, (2013)Break a New Ground on Programming in Web Client Side., and . GCC (2), volume 3033 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 287-293. Springer, (2003)A Novel Wavelet Watermark Algorithm Based on Neural Network Image Scramble., , , and . ICNC (2), volume 3611 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 346-351. Springer, (2005)Skeleton Based Parametric Solid Models: Ball B-Spline Curves., , and . CAD/Graphics, page 421-424. IEEE, (2007)Research on Image Classification of Marine Pollutants with Convolution Neural Network., , , and . ICCCS (6), volume 11068 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 665-673. Springer, (2018)3D Skull Similarity Evaluation Based on Siamese Network with Residual Structure., , , , , and . ICBDT, page 302-307. ACM, (2022)