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Clouds are heavy!: A storm of relevant project-related terms to support newcomers' onboarding.

, , , and . SBES, page 319-324. ACM, (2020)

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Applying Knowledge Codification in a Post-mortem Process - A Practical Experience., , and . ICEIS (2), page 153-165. SciTePress, (2015)Estudo comparativo entre diagrama de atividade e análise hierárquica de tarefas: uma análise da facilidade de modelagem e compreensão., , and . IHC, page 91-100. ACM, (2014)Projetando diagramas de atividade visando a usabilidade de aplicações interativas., , and . IHC, page 349-352. ACM, (2014)Knowledge Mapping in a Research and Development Group - A Pilot Study., , , and . ICEIS (1), page 306-317. SciTePress, (2016)A Taxonomy to Classify Risk End-User Profile in Interaction with the Computing Environment., , and . HCI (20), volume 9750 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 268-276. Springer, (2016)Linking Knowledge Mapping and Lessons Learned in a Research and Development Group: A Pilot Study., , , and . ICEIS (Revised Selected Papers), volume 291 of Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing, page 200-224. Springer, (2016)Creating Personas focused on Representing Potential Requirements to Support the Design of Applications., , and . IHC, page 15:1-15:9. ACM, (2018)Reducing the risks of communication failures through software models., , and . IHC, page 43:1-43:10. ACM, (2019)Directives of communicability: towards better communication through software models., , , and . CHASE@ICSE, page 45-48. IEEE / ACM, (2019)Web Usability Inspection Technique Based on Design Perspectives., , , and . SBES, page 394-410. SBC, (2007)