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Neural correlates of olfactory working memory in the human brain., , , , , и . NeuroImage, (2025)Fast relaxed inertial Tseng's method-based algorithm for solving variational inequality and fixed point problems in Hilbert spaces., , , , и . J. Comput. Appl. Math., (2023)RSMA: Reputation System-Based Lightweight Message Authentication Framework and Protocol for 5G-Enabled Vehicular Networks., , , , и . IEEE Internet of Things Journal, 6 (4): 6417-6428 (2019)Towards Android Application Protection via Kernel Extension., , , , и . ICA3PP (Workshops), том 11338 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 131-137. Springer, (2018)Output synchronization of heterogeneous linear multi-agent systems., , и . ASCC, стр. 156-161. IEEE, (2017)Cooperative Output Regulation of Linear Multi-Agent Systems by Intermittent Communication: A Unified Framework of Time- and Event-Triggering Strategies., , и . IEEE Trans. Automat. Contr., 63 (2): 548-555 (2018)Kinetic Study on Hydrogenation of Propiophenone Catalyzed by Chitosan-Palladium., , , , и . ICICA (2), том 106 из Communications in Computer and Information Science, стр. 354-359. Springer, (2010)A Data Protection Scheme via Isolating Android Partitions., , , , , , и . CSS (1), том 11982 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 89-101. Springer, (2019)交通事故时空模式可视分析方法 (Visual Analysis Method of Traffic Accident Spatial-Temporal Pattern)., , , , , и . 计算机科学, 46 (4): 14-21 (2019)A High-Performance Storage System Based with Dual RAID Engine., , , и . SmartCom, том 11910 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 53-62. Springer, (2019)