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An affective interaction system to learn about physiological signals., , , и ., стр. 316-320. IEEE, (2015)The Importance of Eye-Tracking Analysis in Immersive Learning - A Low Cost Solution., , и . REV, 22, стр. 689-697. Springer, (2017)A Controlled Virtual Reality Exposure Therapy Application for Smartphones., , и . VISIGRAPP (1: GRAPP), стр. 294-301. SCITEPRESS, (2022)Assessing Presence in an Improved Exposure Therapy AR Application., , и . ICGI, стр. 1-7. IEEE, (2023)Large Scale Information Marker Coding for Augmented Reality Using Graphic Code., , и . AIVR, стр. 132-135. IEEE Computer Society, (2018)Development of Mixed Reality Systems to Support Therapies., , и . DoCEIS, том 470 из IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology, стр. 127-134. Springer, (2016)Exploring avatar interactions to trigger social identity-related responses., , и ., стр. 151-152. IEEE, (2017)Demonstration of the influence of human emotions in physiological signals., , , и ., стр. 128-129. IEEE, (2015)Touching Is Believing - Adding Real Objects to Virtual Reality., , и . REV, 22, стр. 681-688. Springer, (2017)AREsTA - An Augmented Reality Exposure Therapy Application., , и ., стр. 91-95. IEEE, (2023)