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Research of MapReduce architecture on busbar protection., und . CCIS, Seite 819-823. IEEE, (2018)AROMA: automated resource allocation and configuration of mapreduce environment in the cloud., und . ICAC, Seite 63-72. ACM, (2012)Mutual information-based feature selection in studying perturbation of dendritic structure caused by TSC2 inactivation., , , , und . Neuroinformatics, 4 (1): 81-94 (2006)Detection and Analysis of Cell Nuclear Phases., , und . KES (1), Volume 5177 von Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Seite 401-408. Springer, (2008)Analysis and Recognition of Touching Cell Images Based on Morphological Structures., , und . KES (1), Volume 4692 von Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Seite 439-446. Springer, (2007)Auto-Tune: Efficient Autonomous Routing for Payment Channel Networks., , und . LCN, Seite 347-350. IEEE, (2022)Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning-Based Cooperative Beam Selection in mmWave Vehicular Networks., , , , und . MASS, Seite 510-517. IEEE, (2021)Soft Actor-Critic Algorithm for 360-Degree Video Streaming with Long-Term Viewport Prediction., , , , und . MSN, Seite 462-469. IEEE, (2021)An efficient and non-intrusive GPU scheduling framework for deep learning training systems., , , , , , und . SC, Seite 90. IEEE/ACM, (2020)Addressing Memory Pressure in Data-intensive Parallel Programs via Container Based Virtualization., , und . ICAC, Seite 197-202. IEEE Computer Society, (2017)