Author of the publication

Puppeteer: Component-based Adaptation for Mobile Computing

, , and . In Proceedings of the 3rd Usenix Symposium on Internet Technologies and Systems, page 159--170. (2000)

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Ensemble: cooperative proximity-based authentication., , , , and . MobiSys, page 331-344. ACM, (2010)URICA: Usage-awaRe Interactive Content Adaptation for mobile devices., , and . EuroSys, page 345-358. ACM, (2006)Kaleidoscope: cloud micro-elasticity via VM state coloring., , , , , , , and . EuroSys, page 273-286. ACM, (2011)Reducing the Energy Usage of Office Applications, , , , , and . (2001)The Case for System Testing with Swift Hierarchical VM Fork., , and . HotCloud, USENIX Association, (2014)Accelerating Complex Data Transfer for Cluster Computing., and . HotCloud, USENIX Association, (2016)Non-intrusive, out-of-band and out-of-the-box systems monitoring in the cloud., , , , and . SIGMETRICS, page 249-261. ACM, (2014)EnVi: energy efficient video player for mobiles., , , and . CellNet@MobiSys, page 25-30. ACM, (2013)MUSIC: Multi-Site Critical Sections over Geo-Distributed State., , , , , , , , , and . ICDCS, page 639-651. IEEE, (2020)Exploring VM Introspection: Techniques and Trade-offs., , , and . VEE, page 133-146. ACM, (2015)