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Study of the local-comparison change-point algorithm to analyze traffic flow breakdown., и . SMC (7), стр. 6186-6191. IEEE, (2004)A New Precomputation Scheme for MPLS Traffic Engineering Routing., , и . ICDCN, том 4308 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 391-396. Springer, (2006)Efficient Congestion Control Based on Awareness of Multistage Resources (CC-AMR)., , , , и . APNOMS, том 4773 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 608-611. Springer, (2007)A New Hybrid Traffic Engineering Routing Algorithm for Bandwidth Guaranteed Traffic., , и . AINTEC, том 4311 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 159-171. Springer, (2006)Establishment and validation of an AI-aid method in the diagnosis of myocardial perfusion imaging., , , , , , , , , и 17 other автор(ы). BMC Medical Imaging, 23 (1): 84 (декабря 2023)