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Max-Min Optimal Beamforming for Cell-Free Massive MIMO., , , and . IEEE Commun. Lett., 24 (10): 2344-2348 (2020)Asymptotically optimal transmit strategies for the multiple antenna interference channel., , and . Allerton, page 708-714. IEEE, (2008)BeamSync: Over-The-Air Carrier Synchronization in Distributed RadioWeaves., , and . WSA, page 1-6. VDE Berlag / IEEE, (2021)Effective rate analysis of MISO Rician fading channels., , , and . SAM, page 53-56. IEEE, (2012)Age of Information in a Multiple Access Channel with Heterogeneous Traffic and an Energy Harvesting Node., , , and . INFOCOM Workshops, page 662-667. IEEE, (2019)Joint User Activity and Non-Coherent Data Detection in mMTC-Enabled Massive MIMO Using Machine Learning Algorithms., and . WSA, page 1-6. VDE / IEEE, (2018)Some fundamental limits on frequency synchronization in massive MIMO., and . ACSSC, page 1213-1217. IEEE, (2013)Passive Intelligent Surface Assisted MIMO Powered Sustainable IoT., and . ICASSP, page 8961-8965. IEEE, (2020)Dynamic Scheduling and Power Control in Uplink Massive MIMO with Random Data Arrivals., , and . ICC, page 1-6. IEEE, (2019)Intelligent Reflecting Surface (IRS)-Enhanced Cognitive Radio System., , , , and . ICC, page 1-6. IEEE, (2020)