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Weitere Publikationen von Autoren mit dem selben Namen

Glacioisostacy controls chemical and isotopic characteristics of tholeiites from the Reykjanes peninsula, SW Iceland, , , und . Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 164 (1-2): 1--5 (1998)An Architecture-Based Approach to Software Evolution, , und . (1998)Crustal processes: Major controls on Reykjanes Peninsula lava chemistry, SW Iceland, , , , und . JOURNAL OF PETROLOGY, 39 (5): 819--839 (1998)U-238-Th-230 constraints on mantle upwelling and plume-ridge interaction along the Reykjanes Ridge, , , , und . Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 187 (3-4): 259--272 (2001)Plume-ridge interaction: A geochemical perspective from the Reykjanes Ridge, , und . JOURNAL OF PETROLOGY, 43 (11): 1987--2012 (2002)Mantle components in Iceland and adjacent ridges investigated using double-spike Pb isotope ratios, , , und . Geochimica et Cosmochimica Actaa, 68 (2): 361--386 (2004)Isotopic constraints on the influence of the Icelandic plume, , , , und . Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 148 (1-2): E1--E8 (1997)Software Architecture: Foundations, Theory, and Practice, , und . Wiley Publishing, (2010)Software Project Development Cost Estimation, und . The Journal of Systems and Software, 5 (4): 267--278 (November 1985)