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Time-delayed feedback control of delay-coupled neurosystems and lasers

, , , , and . Preprints of the Second IFAC meeting related to analysis and control of chaotic systems (CHAOS09), (2009)

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Dispersion relation of spreading depression waves in the chicken retina, , , , and . Int. J. Bifurc. Chaos, (1997)Stabilization of complex spatio-temporal dynamics near a subcritical Hopf bifurcation by time-delayed feedback, , , , , and . Eur. Phys. J. B, (2009)submitted.Controlling the onset of traveling pulses in excitable media by nonlocal spatial coupling and time delayed feedback, , and . submitted to Chaos (arXiv:0812.3497), (2009)The role of extracellular potassium dynamics in the different stages of ictal bursting and spreading depression: a computational study, , , , and . submitted to J. Theo. Biol., (2008)submitted.Change of spatial excitability by gain controlled time-delayed feedback, , and . in prep., (2009)What is the Geometric Structure of Probability Density Models of Canonical Training Sets for Curved Kohonen Layers?, and . Proceedings of the 2nd International Symposium on Information Geometry and its Applications, page 208--214. (2005)Control of synchronization in coupled neural systems by time-delayed feedback, , and . Int.~J.~Bifur.~Chaos (in print), (2009)submitted (arxiv:0809.0819v1).Efficient control of transient wave forms to prevent spreading depolarizations, , and . J.~Theo.~Biol., (2008)Dynamics of delay-coupled excitable neural systems, , , and . Int.~J.~Bifur.~Chaos, (2008)in print (arXiv:0803.2352v1).Synchronization of noise-induced oscillations by time-delayed feedback, , and . Proc. 19th Internat. Conf. on Noise and Fluctuations (ICNF-2007), 922, page 595--598. College Park, Maryland 20740-3843, American Institute of Physics, (2007)ISBN 0-7354-0432-8.