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Quantifying Surface Deformation With the Edge of Light-Enhanced Visual Inspection., , , и . IEEE Trans. Instrumentation and Measurement, 58 (2): 416-422 (2009)A New Infrared Sensor Model Based on Imaging System Test Parameter., , , и . GreenCom/iThings/CPScom, стр. 1953-1956. IEEE, (2013)Multi-Granularity Power Prediction for Data Center Operations via Long Short-Term Memory Network., , , , и . ISPA/BDCloud/SocialCom/SustainCom, стр. 194-201. IEEE, (2019)Generalized compressive detection of stochastic signals using Neyman-Pearson theorem., , , и . Signal Image Video Process., 9 (Supplement-1): 111-120 (2015)Block-sparse signal recovery with synthesized multitask compressive sensing., , , и . ICASSP, стр. 1030-1034. IEEE, (2014)Amos-SLAM: An Anti-Dynamics Two-stage SLAM Approach., , , , , , и . CoRR, (2023)A Method of Node Layout of a Complex Network Based on Community Compression., , , и . Future Internet, 11 (12): 250 (2019)Simulation and Performance Evaluation of Laser Heterodyne Spectrometer Based on CO2 Absorption Cell., , , , , , и . Remote. Sens., 15 (3): 788 (февраля 2023)The Influence of Online Subsidies Service on Online-to-Offline Supply Chain., , , и . Asia Pac. J. Oper. Res., 35 (2): 1840007:1-1840007:18 (2018)A novel image fusion framework for night-vision navigation and surveillance., и . Signal Image Video Process., 9 (Supplement-1): 165-175 (2015)