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Dynamic adaptive streaming over HTTP dataset., , and . MMSys, page 89-94. ACM, (2012)Oscillation compensating Dynamic Adaptive Streaming over HTTP., , , and . ICME, page 1-6. IEEE Computer Society, (2015)Automated QoE evaluation of Dynamic Adaptive Streaming over HTTP., , , , , , and . QoMEX, page 58-63. IEEE, (2013)A proxy effect analyis and fair adatpation algorithm for multiple competing Dynamic Adaptive Streaming over HTTP clients., , and . VCIP, page 1-6. IEEE, (2012)Demo paper: Libdash - An open source software library for the MPEG-DASH standard., , , and . ICME Workshops, page 1-2. IEEE Computer Society, (2013)Distributed DASH dataset., , , , , and . MMSys, page 131-135. ACM, (2013)Using Scalable Video Coding for Dynamic Adaptive Streaming over HTTP in mobile environments., , , , and . EUSIPCO, page 2208-2212. IEEE, (2012)A seamless Web integration of adaptive HTTP streaming., , , and . EUSIPCO, page 1519-1523. IEEE, (2012)Transcoding and streaming-as-a-service for improved video quality on the web., , , , , and . MMSys, page 37:1-37:3. ACM, (2016)A 4D multimedia player enabling sensory experience., , , , , and . QoMEX, page 126-127. IEEE, (2013)