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Partition and Scheduling Algorithms for Neural Network Accelerators., , , , , , , и . APPT, том 11719 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 55-67. Springer, (2019)Cooperative spectrum sensing based on matrix rank minimization., , и . ICASSP, стр. 3000-3003. IEEE, (2011)Efficient channel estimation for massive MIMO systems via truncated two-dimensional atomic norm minimization., , и . ICC, стр. 1-6. IEEE, (2017)Collecting fusion gains for detection of spread spectrum signals using compressive wideband radios., и . ICC, стр. 2712-2716. IEEE, (2013)Efficient channel statistics estimation for millimeter-wave MIMO systems., , , и . ICASSP, стр. 3411-3415. IEEE, (2016)A cross-layer Kalman-PDA approach to soft-decision equalization for FIR MIMO channels., и . WCNC, стр. 2307-2312. IEEE, (2004)Optimized Data Fusion in Bandwidth and Energy Constrained Sensor Networks., и . ICASSP (4), стр. 713-716. IEEE, (2006)Compressed Sensing for Wideband Cognitive Radios., и . ICASSP (4), стр. 1357-1360. IEEE, (2007)Distributed Sensor Allocation for Multi-Target Tracking in Wireless Sensor Networks., , и . IEEE Trans. Aerosp. Electron. Syst., 48 (4): 3538-3553 (2012)Game-theoretic Distributed Spectrum Sharing for Wireless Cognitive Networks with Heterogeneous QoS., , и . GLOBECOM, IEEE, (2006)