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Available bandwidth measurement in software defined networks., , , , and . SAC, page 651-657. ACM, (2016)Analyzing internet censorship in Pakistan., , , , , and . RTSI, page 1-6. IEEE, (2016)Identifying threats in a large company's inbox., , and . Big-DAMA@CoNEXT, page 1-7. ACM, (2019)Spark-based port and net scan detection., , , , and . SAC, page 1172-1179. ACM, (2020)Augmenting the Distributed Evaluation of Path Queries on Data-Graphs with Information Granules., , and . MLG, (2007)A Markovian Approach to Multipath Data Transfer in Overlay Networks., , , and . IEEE Trans. Parallel Distributed Syst., 21 (10): 1398-1411 (2010)Local and Public DNS Resolvers: do you trade off performance against security?, , and . IFIP Networking, page 1-9. IEEE, (2022)A Machine Learning approach for dynamic selection of available bandwidth measurement tools., , , and . ICC, page 1-6. IEEE, (2021)An experimental characterization of the internal generation cycle of an open-source software traffic generator., , , and . M&N, page 74-78. IEEE, (2013)UANM: a platform for experimenting with available bandwidth estimation tools., , , and . ISCC, page 174-179. IEEE Computer Society, (2010)