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Jaw phasings and velocity profiles in arabic., и . EUROSPEECH, стр. 545-548. ISCA, (1993)Multistable representation of speech forms: a functional MRI study of verbal transformations., , , , , , и . NeuroImage, 23 (3): 1143-1151 (2004)The phasing of the jaw in consonant and vowel lengthening Arabic and French patterns., , , и . EUROSPEECH, стр. 2416-2419. ISCA, (1989)Asking a naive question about the McGurk effect: Why does audio b give more d percepts with visual g than with visual d?, , и . AVSP, стр. 138-142. ISCA, (2001)Consequences on bimodal perception of the timing of the consonant and vowel audiovisual flows., , и . AVSP, стр. 36. ISCA, (2007)Multimodal perception of anticipatory behavior - Comparing blind, hearing and cued speech subjects., , , , и . AVSP, стр. 63-68. ISCA, (2008)Visual and auditory perception of epenthetic glides., , , и . AVSP, стр. 61-66. ISCA, (2003)Coarticulation and degrees of freedom in the elaboration of a new articulatory plant: GENTIANE., , и . ICSLP, ISCA, (1998)The development of anticipatory labial coarticulation in French: a pionering study., , , , и . INTERSPEECH, стр. 53-56. ISCA, (2004)Nineteen (±two) French visemes for visual speech synthesis., , , , и . SSW, стр. 253-256. ISCA, (1990)