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Enhancing Technological Literacy: Robotics in Academic Education of Non-Engineers

, , , , , , and . Fredericton/Canada, (accepted, to appear June 2008)

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KEA - A knowledge management system for mathematics, , and . 2007 IEEE International Conference on Signal Processing and Communications, page 1431-1434. (2007)The eChalk System: Potentials of Teaching with Intelligent Digital Chalkboards, , and . Springer, (December 2006)Developing a Gender-Sensitive Infrastructure for Mathematics and Natural Sciences, , and . Nairobi/Kenya, ICWE GmbH, (May 2007)Accessibility in Virtual Knowledge Spaces for Mathematics and Natural Sciences, , , and . Washington DC/USA, IEEE Computer Press, (November 2005)Selected Technical Aspects of Extending the eChalk-System to Integrate Arabic Script, , and . Bahrain, (November 2007)Beyond the ``Multiple Choice Culture'': Realizing Hybrid Exams with Tablet-PCs, , and . Tampico/Mexico, (May 2007)eLTR Architectures and The Gender Aspect, , and . Orlando/USA, (June 2006)Mmtex: Creating Mathematical Content for eLearning, , , and . Badajoz/Spain, FORMATEX, (June 2005)Mathematik in Virtuellen Wissensräumen -- IuK-Strukturen und IT-Technologien in Lehre und Forschung. Technische Universität Berlin, Berlin, (April 2004)ViCToR-Räume: Kooperative Wissensräume für Mathematik und Naturwissenschaften, , and . Darmstadt/Germany, (September 2006)