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A Link-Layer Synchronization and Medium Access Control Protocol for Terahertz-Band Communication Networks., , , and . GLOBECOM, page 1-7. IEEE, (2015)Low-weight Channel Codes for Error Prevention in Electromagnetic Nanonetworks in the Terahertz Band.. NANOCOM, page 5:1-5:9. ACM, (2014)Through-the-Body Localization of Implanted Biochip in Wearable Nano-Biosensing Networks., , and . MILCOM, page 278-283. IEEE, (2018)Packet size optimization for wireless nanosensor networks in the Terahertz band., and . ICC, page 1-6. IEEE, (2016)Dynamic Beamforming Algorithms for Ultra-directional Terahertz Communication Systems Based on Graphene-based Plasmonic Nano-antenna Arrays., , , and . ACSSC, page 1558-1563. IEEE, (2018)Near-field 6G Networks: Why Mobile Terahertz Communications MUST Operate in the Near Field., , and . GLOBECOM, page 3983-3989. IEEE, (2023)Jamming Threats And Countermeasures of the Terahertz OOK Mode in IEEE 802.15.3d., , , , , and . FNWF, page 403-406. IEEE, (2022)Intelligent Environments Based on Ultra-massive Mimo Platforms for Wireless Communication in Millimeter Wave and Terahertz Bands., , and . ICASSP, page 7849-7853. IEEE, (2019)A versatile experimental testbed for ultrabroadband communication networks above 100 GHz., , , and . Comput. Networks, (2021)Modeling and performance analysis of a reconfigurable plasmonic nano-antenna array architecture for terahertz communications., , and . NANOCOM, page 20:1-20:6. ACM, (2018)