Author of the publication

Potential Contrast - A New Image Quality Measure.

, , , and . IQSP, page 52-58. Society for Imaging Science and Technology, (2017)

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Binarization of First Temple Period Inscriptions: Performance of Existing Algorithms and a New Registration Based Scheme., , and . ICFHR, page 645-650. IEEE Computer Society, (2012)Writer Identification in Modern and Historical Documents via Binary Pixel Patterns, Kolmogorov-Smirnov Test and Fisher's Method., and . HVEI, page 203-211. Society for Imaging Science and Technology, (2017)Chan-Vese Revisited: Relation to Otsu's Method and a Parameter-Free Non-PDE Solution via Morphological Framework., and . ISVC (1), volume 10072 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 203-212. Springer, (2016)Evaluating glyph binarizations based on their properties., , , , and . ACM Symposium on Document Engineering, page 127-130. ACM, (2013)Quality Evaluation of Facsimiles of Hebrew First Temple Period Inscriptions., , and . Document Analysis Systems, page 170-174. IEEE Computer Society, (2012)Computer Vision and Machine Learning Methodsfor Analyzing First Temple Period Inscriptions / by Arie Shaus ; under the supervision of Professor Eli Turkel, Secondary supervisor: Professor Israel Finkelstein. Tel Aviv University, Israel, (2017)Tel Aviv University Library.Towards Letter Shape Prior and Paleographic Tables Estimation in Hebrew First Temple Period Ostraca., and . HIP@ICDAR, page 13-18. ACM, (2017)Potential Contrast - A New Image Quality Measure., , , and . IQSP, page 52-58. Society for Imaging Science and Technology, (2017)Beyond the Ground Truth: Alternative Quality Measures of Document Binarizations., , , and . ICFHR, page 495-500. IEEE Computer Society, (2016)