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Controlling the chaotic n-scroll Chua’s circuit with two low pass filters, and . Chaos, Solitons & Fractals, 29 (2): 400--406 (July 2006)Dual-Kad: Kademlia-Based Query Processing Strategies for P2P Data Integration., , and . WISA, page 155-158. IEEE Computer Society, (2012)OpinMiner: Extracting Feature-Opinion Pairs with Dependency Grammar from Chinese Product Reviews., , , and . WISA, page 217-222. IEEE Computer Society, (2012)GPU-in-Hadoop: Enabling MapReduce across distributed heterogeneous platforms., , , , and . ICIS, page 321-326. IEEE Computer Society, (2014)Prioritized Test Generation Strategy for Pair-Wise Testing., and . PRDC, page 99-102. IEEE Computer Society, (2009)Recurrent Binary Embedding for GPU-Enabled Exhaustive Retrieval from Billion-Scale Semantic Vectors., , , and . KDD, page 2170-2179. ACM, (2018)Energy-aware and Deadline-constrained Task Scheduling in Fog Computing Systems., , , , and . ICCSE, page 663-668. IEEE, (2020)Consensus of Multiagent Networks with Time Delay., and . ICNC (2), page 335-338. IEEE Computer Society, (2008)Dynamic and Preemptive Task Offloading in Edge-cloud Computing Systems., , and . SMC, page 498-503. IEEE, (2022)Weathering detection of mudstone based on deep learning., , , and . SPML, page 39-44. ACM, (2021)