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Weitere Publikationen von Autoren mit dem selben Namen

An improved procedure for the automatic detection of dermoscopic structures in digital ELM images of skin lesions., , , und . VECIMS, Seite 190-194. IEEE, (2008)Online visual inspection of defects in the assembly of electromechanical parts., , , , , und . I2MTC, Seite 407-411. IEEE, (2014)Managing the uncertainty for face classification with 3D features., , , , , und . I2MTC, Seite 412-417. IEEE, (2014)Implementing uncertainty auto-evaluation capabilities on an intelligent FFT analyzer., und . IEEE Trans. Instrumentation and Measurement, 53 (3): 700-708 (2004)A New Calibration Procedure for 3-D Shape Measurement System Based on Phase-Shifting Projected Fringe Profilometry., , , und . IEEE Trans. Instrumentation and Measurement, 58 (5): 1291-1298 (2009)IFFTC-Based Procedure for Hidden Tone Detection., und . IEEE Trans. Instrumentation and Measurement, 56 (1): 133-139 (2007)Detection Probabilities: Performance Prediction for Sensors of Autonomous Vehicles., , und . Autonomous Vehicles and Machines, Seite 1-14. Society for Imaging Science and Technology, (2018)Characterization of motorcycle suspension systems: Comfort and handling performance evaluation., , , , und . I2MTC, Seite 444-449. IEEE, (2013)Illumination design in vision-based measurement systems., , , , und . I2MTC, Seite 1491-1495. IEEE, (2013)Face based recognition algorithms: The use of uncertainty in the classification., , , , und . I2MTC, Seite 1098-1103. IEEE, (2013)