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Graphical Scenarios for Specifying Temporal Properties : an Automated Approach, , и . Automated Software Engineering, (2007)Introduction to Special Issue on Distributed and Mobile Software Engineering., и . Autom. Softw. Eng., 11 (3): 203-205 (2004)A compositional synthesis of failure-free connectors for correct components assembly, и . Proceedings of the 6th ICSE Workshop on Component-Based Software Engineering, (2003)A Framework for Analyzing and Testing the Performance of Software Services., , , , , и . ISoLA, том 17 из Communications in Computer and Information Science, стр. 206-220. Springer, (2008)Quantitative resource-oriented analysis of Java (Adaptable) applications., и . WOSP, стр. 15-25. ACM, (2007)Integrating Performance and Reliability Analysis in a Non-Functional MDA Framework., , и . FASE, том 4422 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 57-71. Springer, (2007)Modelling Interoperability by CHAM: A Case Study., и . COORDINATION, том 1061 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 428-431. Springer, (1996)ESP-MC: An Experiment in the Use of Verification Tools., , и . ASIAN, том 1023 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 396-410. Springer, (1995)Integrity Constraints as Views in Deductice Databases., , и . FMLDO, стр. 133-140. University of Magedeburg, Faculty of Computer Science, (1996)Synthesis of correct and distributed adaptors for component-based systems: an automatic approach., , , и . ASE, стр. 405-409. ACM, (2005)