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On the effect of correlated fading on several space-time coding and detection schemes., , and . VTC Fall, page 13-16. IEEE, (2001)Symmetric second derivative integration methods., , and . J. Comput. Appl. Math., (2018)Statistical Characterization of Eigen-Channels in Time-Varying Rayleigh Flat Fading MIMO Systems., and . GLOBECOM, IEEE, (2006)Quantitative analysis of intracellular communication and signaling errors in signaling networks., , and . BMC Syst. Biol., (2014)Second derivative general linear methods with inherent Runge-Kutta stability., , and . Numer. Algorithms, 73 (2): 371-389 (2016)Mixed Methods Examination of Behaviour Change from Learning Supports Based on a Model of Helping in Equity Focused Simulation Based Teacher Education., , , , , and . PERSUASIVE, volume 13213 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 101-108. Springer, (2022)Integrating Non-Functional Requirements for Marginalized Users in the Design of IoT Systems (short paper)., , , , and . ACSE, volume 2689 of CEUR Workshop Proceedings,, (2020)Explicit General linear Methods with a Large stability Region for Volterra integro-differential equations., , and . Math. Model. Anal., 24 (4): 478-493 (2019)The barycentric rational numerical differentiation formulas for stiff ODEs and DAEs., , and . Numer. Algorithms, 97 (1): 431-451 (September 2024)Performance analysis of moment-based estimators for the K parameter of the Rice fading distribution., , , and . ICASSP, page 2521-2524. IEEE, (2001)