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Chaos control using maximum Lyapunov number of universal learning network.

, , , and . SMC, page 1702-1707. IEEE, (1998)

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Function approximation using LVQ and fuzzy sets., , and . SMC, page 1442-1447. IEEE, (2001)Generalization Ability of Universal Learning Network by Optimizing Network Size and Time Delay., , , , and . ICONIP (1), page 371-374. Springer, (1997)Universal learning network and its application to robust control., , , and . IEEE Trans. Syst. Man Cybern. Part B, 30 (3): 419-430 (2000)Introduction and control of subgoals in reinforcement learning., , and . Artificial Intelligence and Applications, page 361-366. IASTED/ACTA Press, (2007)A functions localized neural network with branch gates., , , and . Neural Networks, 16 (10): 1461-1481 (2003)Min Max Control of Nonlinear Systems Using Universal Learning Networks., , , and . IJCNN (1), page 242-247. IEEE Computer Society, (2000)Universal Learning Networks with Branch Control., , , , and . IJCNN (3), page 97-102. IEEE Computer Society, (2000)0-7695-0619-4.A new nonlinear system control method using second order derivatives of universal learning network., , , , and . SMC, page 3775-3780. IEEE, (1998)Generalization ability of universal learning network by using second order derivatives., , , and . SMC, page 1818-1823. IEEE, (1998)Design of incentive-based demand response programs using inverse optimization., , and . SMC, page 2754-2759. IEEE, (2017)