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Big Data Takes on Prostate Cancer., , , , and . ERCIM News, (2016)Computational Processing of Histological Images., , , , and . ERCIM News, (2017)Performance implications of deadlock avoidance techniques in torus networks., , , and . HPSR, page 115-121. IEEE, (2012)Performance optimization of load imbalanced workloads in large scale Dragonfly systems., , , , , and . HPSR, page 202-207. IEEE, (2015)Bandwidth-optimal all-to-all exchanges in fat tree networks., , , and . ICS, page 139-148. ACM, (2013)Efficient task placement and routing of nearest neighbor exchanges in dragonfly networks., , , , , and . HPDC, page 129-140. ACM, (2014)Fast pattern-specific routing for fat tree networks., , , and . ACM Trans. Archit. Code Optim., 10 (4): 36:1-36:25 (2013)The importance and characteristics of communication in high performance data analytics., , and . IISWC, page 80-81. IEEE Computer Society, (2014)Generalized Hierarchical All-to-All Exchange Patterns., , and . IPDPS, page 537-547. IEEE Computer Society, (2013)Deciphering protein signatures using color, morphological, and topological analysis of immunohistochemically stained human tissues., , , , and . Digital Pathology, volume 9791 of SPIE Proceedings, page 97910T. SPIE, (2016)