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Genetical variation in three Pacific House mouse (Mus musculus) populations, , , and . Journal of Zoology, 193 (3): 391--404 (1981)The Evolution of an Island Population of the House Mouse. Evolution, 18 (3): 468-483 (1964)Photophysics and Photochemistry of Azomethine Dyes., , , , and . PICS, page 282-286. IS&T - The Society for Imaging Science and Technology, (1998)Where biology meets; or how science advances: Presidential Address to the Linnean Society delivered at the Anniversary Meeting, 24th May 1985. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 30 (3): 257--274 (1987)Small Mammal Differentiation on Islands. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London B: Biological Sciences, 351 (1341): 753--764 (1996)Sub-antarctic House mice: colonization, survival and selection, , and . Journal of Zoology, 184 (1): 127--141 (1978)The House mice of the Faroe Islands: a study in microdifferentiation, , and . Journal of Zoology, 185 (1): 73--92 (1978)