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LADA - a logic for the Analysis of Distributed Actions.. DSV-IS, стр. 317-332. Springer, (1994)In a Strange Land: modelling and understanding cyberspace.. Mensch-Computer Interaktion im 21. Jahrhundert, том 151 из, стр. 39-51. Austrian Computer Society, (2001)Exploring the evolution of office door displays, , и . Public and Situated Displays - Social and Interactional Aspects of Shared Display Technologies, Kluwer, Dordrecht, (2003)ExpECT: an expanded error categorisation method for text input., , , и . BCS HCI (1), стр. 147-156. BCS, (2007)Designing for appropriation.. BCS HCI (2), стр. 27-30. BCS, (2007)Query-through-drilldown: data-oriented extensional queries., и . AVI, стр. 251-259. ACM Press, (2008)Living in a world of data.. ASSETS, стр. 1-2. ACM, (2011)Being playful: learning from children.. IDC, стр. 3-9. ACM, (2003)Modelling Interactions: Digital and Physical.. ICTAC Summmer School, том 13490 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 1-29. Springer, (2021)As We May Code - The art (and craft) of computer programming in the 21st century.. PPIG, стр. 1. Psychology of Programming Interest Group, (2008)